Diabetes Mellitus represents a common chronic disease with significant social burden, given its adverse impact on patients’ everyday life. Indeed, chronic complications of diabetes, specifically cardiovascular and renal complications, are quite common among those patients with unadequate glycemic control and this is aso strictly linked to their mortality. Therefore, proper patients’ management is crucial for the prevention of future complications as well as to improve their quality of life.
In this context, our understanding on the patho-physiology of diabetes has markedly increased in recent years, and this has led to a notable raise in therapeutic options with a large number of innovative treatments; such therapies are able to provide optimal glycometabolic control as well as, in certain cases, a substantial cardiovascular and renal protection, providing an effective protection for future complications. Concurrently, home monitoring has also significantly enhanced in recent years, with the introduction of novel technologies for self-monitoring.
The 2024 Congress of the Central Europe Diabetes Association (CEDA) is scheduled to take place in Palermo, Italy on 6-8 June 2024, and it represents the Annual Conference of CEDA, a fully established European scientific society with 55-years of history and dedicated to the clinical management of patients with diabetes.
This conference aims to provide to the European medical community the best updated insights into diabetes, in order to improve daily clinical management and also to ensure a prolonged and healthier life to the patients. The faculty if formed by many prestigious European experts working in the different fields of diabetology and associated clinical conditionsm including obesity, dyslipidemia, kidney and hepatic diseases as well as cardiovascular disorders.
Looking forward to seeing you in Palermo.
Prof. Massimo Midiri
University of Palermo
Prof. Peter Kempler
Prof. Manfredi Rizzo
2024 CEDA Congress